AUG 21 Black August Resistance @Qilombo

“Each year officially since 1979 we have used the month of August to focus on the oppressive treatment of our brothers and sisters disappeared inside the state run gulags and concentration camps America calls prisons. It is during this time that we concentrate our efforts to free our mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts, and all other captive family and friends who have been held in isolation for decade after decade beyond their original sentence. Many of these individuals are held in the sensory deprivation and mind control units called Security Housing Units (S.H.U. Program), without even the most basic of human rights.” – BAOC

Black August originated in the concentration camps (prisons) of California in 1979 and its’ roots come from the history of resistance by Black/New African/African brothers in those prisons. It’s original purpose is to honor and commemorate the lives and deaths of several fallen Freedom Fighters, amongst them were Jonathan Jackson, George Jackson, W.L. Nolan, James McClain, William Christmas and Khatari Gaulden; to bring education and awareness to family members, friends, associates and communites about the conditions for the Black/New Afrikan prisoners held within those concentration camps (in particular in California) and to educate our people about and honor the history and actions of continued resistance of Black/New Afrikan/Afrikan peoples to oppression, colonization and slavery in the U.S. and throughout the Diaspora, with particular emphasis on freedom fighters and historical acts of resistance.”

Excerpts taken from “BLACK AUGUST: THE TRUE HISTORY, CULTURE AND PRACTICE” By Mama Ayanna Mashama

In the spirit of solidarity with those who have and continue to struggle for justice from behind walls of the concentration camps of amerikkka, The Black August Organizing Commitee, MXGM Oakland and Qilombo Oakland will be hosting a Black August conference from August 21st-23rd noon-10pm or (later each day) at Qilombo and Afrika Town Community Garden in West Oakland, CA. The conference will have political speakers, cultural solidarity performances and workshops around resisting the Prison Industrial Complex and promoting Women’s health.

Day 1 Will have Keynote speakers and a dialogue about Black August History and Resistance today

Day 2 Will have Cultural Solidarity performances promoting Black August Resistance and promoting Women’s health

Day 3 We will have Political Workshops relevant to Black August Resistance and promoting Women’s Health.

“They have learned that resistance is actually possible. The holds are beginning to slip away.”
George Jackson

Speakers, Workshops and Performers to be announced soon.

More information coming soon

For questions and concerns please email


Date:  August 21August 23

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